Binding Mode
Motif Status
Known motif
1 Monomer or homomultimer
High-throughput in vitro
ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor like [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:30776]
Entrez Summary
Ensembl ID:
External Link:
IPR007889 ; IPR009057 ;
Protein Domain:
Protein: ENSP00000317566DBD: OtherOther: Protein: ENSP00000371659DBD: OtherOther: DUF2428Protein: ENSP00000371661DBD: OtherOther: DUF2428Protein: ENSP00000490600DBD: OtherOther: DUF4553
Previous Annotations
TF-CAT classification
Vaquerizas 2009 TF classification
"a " Has direct evidence of TF function;
"b " Has evidence for an orthologous TF;
"c " contains likely DBDs, but has no functional evidence;
"x " is an unlikely TF such as predicted gene, genes with likely non-specific DBDs or that have function outside transcription;
"other " category contains proteins without clear DBDs they curated from external sources.
CisBP considers it as a TF?
TFclass considers it as a TF?
Has GO:0003700 "transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding"
Initial Assessment
1a1 Protein has a high confidence PWM (HT-SELEX, PBM or B1H model) or there is a crystal structure that supports sequence specific DNA binding;
1a2 There is high confidence data for a close ortholog (as defined in CisBP);
2a1 There is lower confidence direct evidence, such as a Jaspar, Hocomoco or Transfac model;
2a2 There is lower confidence evidence for an close ortholog;
3a There is decent circumstantial evidence for its role as a TF or not;
4a Two or more datasets predict it as a TF;
5a One of the source datasets predicts is as a TF
1a1, Direct HQ evidence
TF has conditional DNA-binding requirements
Published Motif Data
Experimental History
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 231, "endStyle": "jagged", "aliStart": 196, "text": "Psq", "colour": "#228B22", "aliEnd": 225, "start": 193, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 231, "description": "This DNA-binding motif is found in four copies in the pipsqueak protein of Drosophila melanogaster [1]. In pipsqueak this domain binds to GAGA sequence [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 196, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF05225.14", "start": 193, "score": 9.2e-25, "identifier": "helix-turn-helix, Psq domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 225}}, {"startStyle": "curved", "end": 487, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 442, "text": "Psq", "colour": "#228B22", "aliEnd": 486, "start": 442, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 487, "description": "This DNA-binding motif is found in four copies in the pipsqueak protein of Drosophila melanogaster [1]. In pipsqueak this domain binds to GAGA sequence [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 442, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF05225.14", "start": 442, "score": 9.2e-25, "identifier": "helix-turn-helix, Psq domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 486}}, {"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 86, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 24, "text": "DUF2428", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 69, "start": 5, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 86, "description": "This is a family of proteins conserved from plants to humans. The function is not known. Several members have been annotated as being HEAT repeat-containing proteins while others are designated as death-receptor interacting proteins, but neither of these could be confirmed.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 24, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10350.7", "start": 5, "score": 0.0027, "identifier": "Putative death-receptor fusion protein (DUF2428)", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 69}}, {"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 312, "endStyle": "jagged", "aliStart": 247, "text": "DUF2428", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 302, "start": 150, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 312, "description": "This is a family of proteins conserved from plants to humans. The function is not known. Several members have been annotated as being HEAT repeat-containing proteins while others are designated as death-receptor interacting proteins, but neither of these could be confirmed.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 247, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10350.7", "start": 150, "score": 0.0027, "identifier": "Putative death-receptor fusion protein (DUF2428)", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 302}}], "length": 519}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 314, "endStyle": "jagged", "aliStart": 280, "text": "Psq", "colour": "#228B22", "aliEnd": 309, "start": 277, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 314, "description": "This DNA-binding motif is found in four copies in the pipsqueak protein of Drosophila melanogaster [1]. In pipsqueak this domain binds to GAGA sequence [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 280, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF05225.14", "start": 277, "score": 4.5e-24, "identifier": "helix-turn-helix, Psq domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 309}}, {"startStyle": "curved", "end": 571, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 526, "text": "Psq", "colour": "#228B22", "aliEnd": 570, "start": 526, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 571, "description": "This DNA-binding motif is found in four copies in the pipsqueak protein of Drosophila melanogaster [1]. In pipsqueak this domain binds to GAGA sequence [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 526, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF05225.14", "start": 526, "score": 4.5e-24, "identifier": "helix-turn-helix, Psq domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 570}}, {"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 170, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 106, "text": "DUF2428", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 153, "start": 77, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 170, "description": "This is a family of proteins conserved from plants to humans. The function is not known. Several members have been annotated as being HEAT repeat-containing proteins while others are designated as death-receptor interacting proteins, but neither of these could be confirmed.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 106, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10350.7", "start": 77, "score": 0.003, "identifier": "Putative death-receptor fusion protein (DUF2428)", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 153}}, {"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 394, "endStyle": "jagged", "aliStart": 331, "text": "DUF2428", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 386, "start": 241, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 394, "description": "This is a family of proteins conserved from plants to humans. The function is not known. Several members have been annotated as being HEAT repeat-containing proteins while others are designated as death-receptor interacting proteins, but neither of these could be confirmed.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 331, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10350.7", "start": 241, "score": 0.003, "identifier": "Putative death-receptor fusion protein (DUF2428)", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 386}}], "length": 603}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "straight", "end": 1868, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 1414, "text": "DUF4553", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 1866, "start": 1414, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 1868, "description": "This family of proteins is functionally uncharacterised. This family of proteins is found in vertebrates. This family includes the human protein C10orf12.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 1414, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF15090.4", "start": 1414, "score": 5.7999999999999974e-161, "identifier": "Domain of unknown function (DUF4553)", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 1866}}], "length": 1872}