Binding Mode
Motif Status
Known motif
1 Monomer or homomultimer
In vivo/Misc source
Only known motifs are from Transfac or HocoMoco - origin is uncertain
Can form both homodimers and heterodimers with STAT5A (PMID: 9528750)
signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11367]
Entrez Summary
Ensembl ID:
External Link:
IPR000980 ; IPR008967 ; IPR013799 ; IPR013800 ; IPR013801 ; IPR015988 ;
Protein Domain:
Protein: ENSP00000293328DBD: STATOther: SH2, STAT_alpha, STAT_intProtein: ENSP00000398379DBD: STATOther: STAT_int, TerB_N
Previous Annotations
TF-CAT classification
TF Gene_DNA-Binding sequence-specific_DNA Binding_ PMIDS:9852045 12050218
Vaquerizas 2009 TF classification
"a " Has direct evidence of TF function;
"b " Has evidence for an orthologous TF;
"c " contains likely DBDs, but has no functional evidence;
"x " is an unlikely TF such as predicted gene, genes with likely non-specific DBDs or that have function outside transcription;
"other " category contains proteins without clear DBDs they curated from external sources.
CisBP considers it as a TF?
TFclass considers it as a TF?
Has GO:0003700 "transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding"
GO:0001077 RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor a IEA - GO_REF:0000019 GO:0003700 sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity TAS - PMID:8631883
Initial Assessment
1a1 Protein has a high confidence PWM (HT-SELEX, PBM or B1H model) or there is a crystal structure that supports sequence specific DNA binding;
1a2 There is high confidence data for a close ortholog (as defined in CisBP);
2a1 There is lower confidence direct evidence, such as a Jaspar, Hocomoco or Transfac model;
2a2 There is lower confidence evidence for an close ortholog;
3a There is decent circumstantial evidence for its role as a TF or not;
4a Two or more datasets predict it as a TF;
5a One of the source datasets predicts is as a TF
2a1, Lower confidence direct evidence
TF has conditional DNA-binding requirements
Published Motif Data
Experimental History
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "curved", "end": 582, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 332, "text": "STAT", "colour": "#228B22", "aliEnd": 582, "start": 332, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 582, "description": "STAT proteins (Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription) are a family of transcription factors that are specifically activated to regulate gene transcription when cells encounter cytokines and growth factors. This family represents the DNA binding domain of STAT, which has an ig-like fold. STAT proteins also include an SH2 domain Pfam:PF00017.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 332, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF02864.13", "start": 332, "score": 7.199999999999999e-103, "identifier": "STAT protein, DNA binding domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 582}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 330, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 142, "text": "STAT_alpha", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 330, "start": 141, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 330, "description": "STAT proteins (Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription) are a family of transcription factors that are specifically activated to regulate gene transcription when cells encounter cytokines and growth factors. STAT proteins also include an SH2 domain Pfam:PF00017.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 142, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF01017.18", "start": 141, "score": 5.3e-55, "identifier": "STAT protein, all-alpha domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 330}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 124, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 2, "text": "STAT_int", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 123, "start": 2, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 124, "description": "STAT proteins (Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription) are a family of transcription factors that are specifically activated to regulate gene transcription when cells encounter cytokines and growth factors. STAT proteins also include an SH2 domain Pfam:PF00017.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 2, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF02865.15", "start": 2, "score": 2.9999999999999995e-45, "identifier": "STAT protein, protein interaction domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 123}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 670, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 595, "text": "SH2", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 668, "start": 593, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 670, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 595, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00017.22", "start": 593, "score": 4.7000000000000006e-12, "identifier": "SH2 domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 668}}], "length": 788}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "straight", "end": 124, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 2, "text": "STAT_int", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 123, "start": 2, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 124, "description": "STAT proteins (Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription) are a family of transcription factors that are specifically activated to regulate gene transcription when cells encounter cytokines and growth factors. STAT proteins also include an SH2 domain Pfam:PF00017.", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 2, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF02865.15", "start": 2, "score": 5.999999999999999e-47, "identifier": "STAT protein, protein interaction domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 123}}, {"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 123, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 15, "text": "TerB_N", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 100, "start": 3, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 123, "description": "The TerB_N domain is found N-terminal to TerB, and TerB_C containing proteins [1]. It has a predominantly alpha-helical structure and contains an absolutely conserved glutamate [1]. The presence of a conserved acidic residue suggests that it might chelate metal like TerB [1]. These proteins occur in a two-gene operon containing an AAA+ ATPase and SF-II DNA helicase suggesting a role in stress-response or phage defence [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 15, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF13208.4", "start": 3, "score": 0.0036, "identifier": "TerB N-terminal domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 100}}], "length": 156}