Binding Mode
Motif Status
Known motif
1 Monomer or homomultimer
High-throughput in vitro
nuclear factor I A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7784]
Entrez Summary
Ensembl ID:
External Link:
IPR000647 ; IPR003619 ; IPR019548 ; IPR019739 ; IPR020604 ; ;
Protein Domain:
Protein: ENSP00000360229DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFI, NfI_DNAbd_pre-NProtein: ENSP00000384523DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFI, NfI_DNAbd_pre-NProtein: ENSP00000474817DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFIProtein: ENSP00000474462DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFIProtein: ENSP00000360231DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFI, NfI_DNAbd_pre-NProtein: ENSP00000384680DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFI, NfI_DNAbd_pre-NProtein: ENSP00000474461DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFIProtein: ENSP00000474806DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther: CTF_NFIProtein: ENSP00000473830DBD: MH1 Family DBDsOther:
Previous Annotations
TF-CAT classification
TF Gene_DNA-Binding sequence-specific_DNA Binding TF PPI Transactivation_ PMIDS:16169882 17010934
Vaquerizas 2009 TF classification
"a " Has direct evidence of TF function;
"b " Has evidence for an orthologous TF;
"c " contains likely DBDs, but has no functional evidence;
"x " is an unlikely TF such as predicted gene, genes with likely non-specific DBDs or that have function outside transcription;
"other " category contains proteins without clear DBDs they curated from external sources.
CisBP considers it as a TF?
TFclass considers it as a TF?
Has GO:0003700 "transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding"
GO:0001077 RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor a IDA - PMID:17010934 GO:0003700 sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity NAS - PMID:7590749
Initial Assessment
1a1 Protein has a high confidence PWM (HT-SELEX, PBM or B1H model) or there is a crystal structure that supports sequence specific DNA binding;
1a2 There is high confidence data for a close ortholog (as defined in CisBP);
2a1 There is lower confidence direct evidence, such as a Jaspar, Hocomoco or Transfac model;
2a2 There is lower confidence evidence for an close ortholog;
3a There is decent circumstantial evidence for its role as a TF or not;
4a Two or more datasets predict it as a TF;
5a One of the source datasets predicts is as a TF
1a1, Direct HQ evidence
TF has conditional DNA-binding requirements
Published Motif Data
Experimental History
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "curved", "end": 172, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 69, "text": "MH1", "colour": "#009900", "aliEnd": 170, "start": 68, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 172, "description": "The MH1 (MAD homology 1) domain is found at the amino terminus of MAD related proteins such as Smads. This domain is separated from the MH2 domain by a non-conserved linker region. The crystal structure of the MH1 domain shows that a highly conserved 11 residue beta hairpin is used to bind the DNA consensus sequence GNCN in the major groove, shown to be vital for the transcriptional activation of target genes. Not all examples of MH1 can bind to DNA however. Smad2 cannot bind DNA and has a large insertion within the hairpin that presumably abolishes DNA binding. A basic helix (H2) in MH1 with the nuclear localisation signal KKLKK has been shown to be essential for Smad3 nuclear import. Smads also use the MH1 domain to interact with transcription factors such as Jun, TFE3, Sp1, and Runx [1,3].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 69, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF03165.14", "start": 68, "score": 2.3e-12, "identifier": "MH1 domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 170}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 489, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 214, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 476, "start": 214, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 489, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 214, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 214, "score": 8.999999999999998e-111, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 476}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 46, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 7, "text": "NfI_DNAbd_pre-N", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 46, "start": 6, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 46, "description": "The Nuclear factor I (NFI) family of site-specific DNA-binding proteins (also known as CTF or CAAT box transcription factor) functions both in viral DNA replication and in the regulation of gene expression in higher organisms. The N-terminal 200 residues contains the DNA-binding and dimerisation domain, but also has an 8-47 residue highly conserved region 5' of this, whose function is not known. Deletion of the N-terminal 200 amino acids removes the DNA-binding activity, dimerisation-ability and the stimulation of adenovirus DNA replication [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 7, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10524.7", "start": 6, "score": 1.4e-27, "identifier": "Nuclear factor I protein pre-N-terminus", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 46}}], "length": 499}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "curved", "end": 172, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 69, "text": "MH1", "colour": "#009900", "aliEnd": 170, "start": 68, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 172, "description": "The MH1 (MAD homology 1) domain is found at the amino terminus of MAD related proteins such as Smads. This domain is separated from the MH2 domain by a non-conserved linker region. The crystal structure of the MH1 domain shows that a highly conserved 11 residue beta hairpin is used to bind the DNA consensus sequence GNCN in the major groove, shown to be vital for the transcriptional activation of target genes. Not all examples of MH1 can bind to DNA however. Smad2 cannot bind DNA and has a large insertion within the hairpin that presumably abolishes DNA binding. A basic helix (H2) in MH1 with the nuclear localisation signal KKLKK has been shown to be essential for Smad3 nuclear import. Smads also use the MH1 domain to interact with transcription factors such as Jun, TFE3, Sp1, and Runx [1,3].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 69, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF03165.14", "start": 68, "score": 2.4e-12, "identifier": "MH1 domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 170}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 508, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 214, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 508, "start": 214, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 508, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 214, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 214, "score": 1.9999999999999992e-127, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 508}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 46, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 7, "text": "NfI_DNAbd_pre-N", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 46, "start": 6, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 46, "description": "The Nuclear factor I (NFI) family of site-specific DNA-binding proteins (also known as CTF or CAAT box transcription factor) functions both in viral DNA replication and in the regulation of gene expression in higher organisms. The N-terminal 200 residues contains the DNA-binding and dimerisation domain, but also has an 8-47 residue highly conserved region 5' of this, whose function is not known. Deletion of the N-terminal 200 amino acids removes the DNA-binding activity, dimerisation-ability and the stimulation of adenovirus DNA replication [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 7, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10524.7", "start": 6, "score": 1.5e-27, "identifier": "Nuclear factor I protein pre-N-terminus", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 46}}], "length": 510}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 46, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 2, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 35, "start": 1, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 46, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 2, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 1, "score": 0.0019, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 35}}], "length": 48}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 156, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 4, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 156, "start": 1, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 156, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 4, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 1, "score": 9.399999999999998e-64, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 156}}], "length": 158}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "curved", "end": 217, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 114, "text": "MH1", "colour": "#009900", "aliEnd": 215, "start": 113, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 217, "description": "The MH1 (MAD homology 1) domain is found at the amino terminus of MAD related proteins such as Smads. This domain is separated from the MH2 domain by a non-conserved linker region. The crystal structure of the MH1 domain shows that a highly conserved 11 residue beta hairpin is used to bind the DNA consensus sequence GNCN in the major groove, shown to be vital for the transcriptional activation of target genes. Not all examples of MH1 can bind to DNA however. Smad2 cannot bind DNA and has a large insertion within the hairpin that presumably abolishes DNA binding. A basic helix (H2) in MH1 with the nuclear localisation signal KKLKK has been shown to be essential for Smad3 nuclear import. Smads also use the MH1 domain to interact with transcription factors such as Jun, TFE3, Sp1, and Runx [1,3].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 114, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF03165.14", "start": 113, "score": 2.7999999999999998e-12, "identifier": "MH1 domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 215}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 553, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 259, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 553, "start": 259, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 553, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 259, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 259, "score": 2.3999999999999994e-127, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 553}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 91, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 52, "text": "NfI_DNAbd_pre-N", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 91, "start": 51, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 91, "description": "The Nuclear factor I (NFI) family of site-specific DNA-binding proteins (also known as CTF or CAAT box transcription factor) functions both in viral DNA replication and in the regulation of gene expression in higher organisms. The N-terminal 200 residues contains the DNA-binding and dimerisation domain, but also has an 8-47 residue highly conserved region 5' of this, whose function is not known. Deletion of the N-terminal 200 amino acids removes the DNA-binding activity, dimerisation-ability and the stimulation of adenovirus DNA replication [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 52, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10524.7", "start": 51, "score": 1.6e-27, "identifier": "Nuclear factor I protein pre-N-terminus", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 91}}], "length": 555}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "curved", "end": 164, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 61, "text": "MH1", "colour": "#009900", "aliEnd": 162, "start": 60, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 164, "description": "The MH1 (MAD homology 1) domain is found at the amino terminus of MAD related proteins such as Smads. This domain is separated from the MH2 domain by a non-conserved linker region. The crystal structure of the MH1 domain shows that a highly conserved 11 residue beta hairpin is used to bind the DNA consensus sequence GNCN in the major groove, shown to be vital for the transcriptional activation of target genes. Not all examples of MH1 can bind to DNA however. Smad2 cannot bind DNA and has a large insertion within the hairpin that presumably abolishes DNA binding. A basic helix (H2) in MH1 with the nuclear localisation signal KKLKK has been shown to be essential for Smad3 nuclear import. Smads also use the MH1 domain to interact with transcription factors such as Jun, TFE3, Sp1, and Runx [1,3].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 61, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF03165.14", "start": 60, "score": 2.4e-12, "identifier": "MH1 domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 162}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 500, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 206, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 500, "start": 206, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 500, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 206, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 206, "score": 1.8999999999999996e-127, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 500}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 38, "endStyle": "straight", "aliStart": 1, "text": "NfI_DNAbd_pre-N", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 38, "start": 1, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 38, "description": "The Nuclear factor I (NFI) family of site-specific DNA-binding proteins (also known as CTF or CAAT box transcription factor) functions both in viral DNA replication and in the regulation of gene expression in higher organisms. The N-terminal 200 residues contains the DNA-binding and dimerisation domain, but also has an 8-47 residue highly conserved region 5' of this, whose function is not known. Deletion of the N-terminal 200 amino acids removes the DNA-binding activity, dimerisation-ability and the stimulation of adenovirus DNA replication [1].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 1, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF10524.7", "start": 1, "score": 4.5e-26, "identifier": "Nuclear factor I protein pre-N-terminus", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 38}}], "length": 502}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "curved", "end": 125, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 22, "text": "MH1", "colour": "#009900", "aliEnd": 123, "start": 21, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 125, "description": "The MH1 (MAD homology 1) domain is found at the amino terminus of MAD related proteins such as Smads. This domain is separated from the MH2 domain by a non-conserved linker region. The crystal structure of the MH1 domain shows that a highly conserved 11 residue beta hairpin is used to bind the DNA consensus sequence GNCN in the major groove, shown to be vital for the transcriptional activation of target genes. Not all examples of MH1 can bind to DNA however. Smad2 cannot bind DNA and has a large insertion within the hairpin that presumably abolishes DNA binding. A basic helix (H2) in MH1 with the nuclear localisation signal KKLKK has been shown to be essential for Smad3 nuclear import. Smads also use the MH1 domain to interact with transcription factors such as Jun, TFE3, Sp1, and Runx [1,3].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 22, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF03165.14", "start": 21, "score": 3.2e-13, "identifier": "MH1 domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 123}}, {"startStyle": "straight", "end": 186, "endStyle": "jagged", "aliStart": 167, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 186, "start": 167, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 186, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 167, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 167, "score": 3.5000000000000004e-06, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 186}}], "length": 186}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "straight", "end": 184, "endStyle": "jagged", "aliStart": 2, "text": "CTF_NFI", "colour": "#9999ff", "aliEnd": 184, "start": 1, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 184, "description": NaN, "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 2, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF00859.16", "start": 1, "score": 1.2e-58, "identifier": "CTF/NF-I family transcription modulation region", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 184}}], "length": 184}
{"regions": [{"startStyle": "jagged", "end": 76, "endStyle": "curved", "aliStart": 7, "text": "MH1", "colour": "#009900", "aliEnd": 74, "start": 1, "href": "", "type": "pfama", "display": "true", "metadata": {"end": 76, "description": "The MH1 (MAD homology 1) domain is found at the amino terminus of MAD related proteins such as Smads. This domain is separated from the MH2 domain by a non-conserved linker region. The crystal structure of the MH1 domain shows that a highly conserved 11 residue beta hairpin is used to bind the DNA consensus sequence GNCN in the major groove, shown to be vital for the transcriptional activation of target genes. Not all examples of MH1 can bind to DNA however. Smad2 cannot bind DNA and has a large insertion within the hairpin that presumably abolishes DNA binding. A basic helix (H2) in MH1 with the nuclear localisation signal KKLKK has been shown to be essential for Smad3 nuclear import. Smads also use the MH1 domain to interact with transcription factors such as Jun, TFE3, Sp1, and Runx [1,3].", "database": "PfamA", "aliStart": 7, "scoreName": "E-value", "accession": "PF03165.14", "start": 1, "score": 2e-08, "identifier": "MH1 domain", "type": "DBD", "aliEnd": 74}}], "length": 96}