TF Info Page for PPARG (Nuclear receptor)


Assessment Binding Mode Motif Status Notes Comments
Known motif 1 Monomer or homomultimer 100 perc ID - in vitro Also heterodimerizes.


Description: peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:9236]
Entrez Summary This gene encodes a member of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) subfamily of nuclear receptors. PPARs form heterodimers with retinoid X receptors (RXRs) and these heterodimers regulate transcription of various genes. Three subtypes of PPARs are known: PPAR-alpha, PPAR-delta, and PPAR-gamma. The protein encoded by this gene is PPAR-gamma and is a regulator of adipocyte differentiation. Additionally, PPAR-gamma has been implicated in the pathology of numerous diseases including obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer. Alternatively spliced transcript variants that encode different isoforms have been described. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
Ensembl ID: ENSG00000132170
External Link: CisBP
Interpro IPR000536; IPR001628; IPR001723; IPR003074; IPR003077; IPR008946; IPR022590; ;
Protein Domain: ENSP00000287820
Protein Domain: ENSP00000380196
Protein Domain: ENSP00000380205
Protein Domain: ENSP00000380207
Protein Domain: ENSP00000380210
Protein Domain: ENSP00000411931
Protein Domain: ENSP00000312472
Protein Domain: ENSP00000380224
Protein Domain: ENSP00000392285
Protein: ENSP00000287820DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: Hormone_recep, PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000380196DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000380205DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: Hormone_recep, PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000380207DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: Hormone_recep, PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000380210DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: Hormone_recep, PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000411931DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000312472DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: Hormone_recep, PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000380224DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: PPARgamma_N
Protein: ENSP00000392285DBD: Nuclear Hormone ReceptorOther: PPARgamma_N

Previous Annotations

Source Annotation
TF-CAT classification TF Gene_DNA-Binding
PMIDS:14744933 15681609
Vaquerizas 2009 TF classification
"a" Has direct evidence of TF function;
"b" Has evidence for an orthologous TF;
"c" contains likely DBDs, but has no functional evidence;
"x" is an unlikely TF such as predicted gene, genes with likely non-specific DBDs or that have function outside transcription;
"other" category contains proteins without clear DBDs they curated from external sources.
CisBP considers it as a TF? Yes
TFclass considers it as a TF? Yes
Has GO:0003700 "transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding" Yes
GO-Info GO:0003700
sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
IDA - PMID:9568715 | ISS - GO_REF:0000024
ligand-activated sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
IDA - PMID:10622252
positive regulation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
IDA - PMID:18293083
Initial Assessment
1a1 Protein has a high confidence PWM (HT-SELEX, PBM or B1H model) or there is a crystal structure that supports sequence specific DNA binding;
1a2 There is high confidence data for a close ortholog (as defined in CisBP);
2a1 There is lower confidence direct evidence, such as a Jaspar, Hocomoco or Transfac model;
2a2 There is lower confidence evidence for an close ortholog;
3a There is decent circumstantial evidence for its role as a TF or not;
4a Two or more datasets predict it as a TF;
5a One of the source datasets predicts is as a TF
1a1, Direct HQ evidence
TF has conditional DNA-binding requirements Obligate_Multimer


Published Motif Data

Source Annotation Motif Evidence
TransfacTransfacLicense requiredDirect
TransfacTransfacLicense requiredDirect
TransfacTransfacLicense requiredDirect
TransfacTransfacLicense requiredDirect
SMiLE-seqIsakova2017Inferred - Pparg (100% AA Identity, Mus musculus)
MiscHOMERInferred - Pparg (100% AA Identity, Mus musculus)
TransfacTransfacLicense requiredInferred - PPARA (84% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
TransfacTransfacLicense requiredInferred - PPARA (84% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
MiscHocoMocoInferred - PPARA (84% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
MiscHocoMocoInferred - PPARA (84% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
HT-SELEXYin2017Inferred - PPARD (82% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
HT-SELEXYin2017Inferred - PPARD (82% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
Methyl-HT-SELEXYin2017Inferred - PPARD (82% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
Methyl-HT-SELEXYin2017Inferred - PPARD (82% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)
MiscHocoMocoInferred - PPARD (82% AA Identity, Homo sapiens)


Structure PDB 3DZU

Experimental History

Method Constructs
Tried in PBM?
(Whether the protein was tried in PBM or not)
Tried in HT-SELEX
(Whether the protein was tried in HT-SELEX or not, and if so, then what kind of clones were tested)
Other Information?
(Tried with another method and failed?)

External Contribution