This file contains the official list of human TFs from Lambert et al (PMID:29425488), along with all associated information. Candidate proteins were manually examined by a panel of experts based on available data. Proteins with experimentally demonstrated DNA binding specificity were considered TFs. Other proteins, such as co-factors and RNA binding proteins, were classified as non-TFs. All proteins (both TFs and non-TFs) are contained in the database, along with the associated evidence. See our accompanying publication (PMID:29425488) and website ( for further details. Accompanying DNA binding motifs can be obtained from the Cis-BP web server ( Questions and comments can be directed to Matt Weirauch ( Database fields: ENSEMBL ID - Official Ensembl gene ID. HGNCsymbol - Official gene name. DBD - DNA binding domains contained in the protein(s). Is TF? - Is the protein a TF (i.e., does it bind DNA specifically?) (Yes/No). TF assessment - Assessment of binding activity. "Known motif" = A DNA motif is currently available. "Likely to be sequence specific" = No motif available, but evidence for DNA binding. "ssDNA/RNA binding" = Likely to be a single-stranded DNA or RNA binding protein. "Unlikely to be sequence specific" = Lack of strong evidence for sequence-specific DNA binding. Binding mode - Mode of interacting with DNA. "Monomer or Homomultimer" = Binds DNA as a monomer, homodimer, homotrimer, etc. Some of these can also bind as heteromers. Proteins were classified in this category if they are capable of binding DNA without the aid of other proteins. "Obligate heteromer" = Can only bind as a heteromer. "Low specificity DNA binding" = Binds DNA with little or no sequence specificity. "Not a DNA binding protein" = You guessed it. Motif status - Current status of motif availability. "High throughput in vitro" = In vitro-derived motif (e.g. PBM, HT-SELEX, B1H) available. "100 perc ID - in vitro" = In vitro-derived motif available for another TF with an identical DNA binding domain amino acid sequence. (So, the motif is essentially available). "In vivo/Misc source" = Motif is only available from an in vivo (e.g. ChIP-seq) or low-throughput (e.g., SELEX) source. "No motif" = you guessed it again. Final Notes - Final notes, automatically generated. So, this column uses a controlled vocabulary, suitable for automated classification/analysis. Final Comments - Final comments, manually entered. Summary comments combined and curated from the original reviewer comments. So, this is all free text, human-readable only. Interpro ID(s) - Interpro IDs for DBDs (semicolon-delimited). EntrezGene ID - Entrez Gene ID, when available. EntrezGene Description - Entrez Gene Description, when available. PDB ID - Protein Data Bank ID (for structures of the protein or DBD in complex with DNA), when available. TF tested by HT-SELEX? - Has the protein been tested for DNA binding in a HT-SELEX assay in the Taipale lab? "DBD" = Tested using a construct with the DBD only "Full" = Tested using a construct with the full-length protein "not tested" = You guessed it yet again TF tested by PBM? - Has the protein been tested for DNA binding in a PBM assay? Conditional Binding Requirements - Notes on requirements for binding (e.g., requires post- translational modifications). Note - this column is not comprehensive! Original Comments - Original comments provided by the primary reviewer of the protein. Vaquerizas 2009 TF classification - Classification provided by the Vaquerizas 2009 paper. "a" = Has direct evidence of TF function. "b" = Has evidence for an orthologous TF. "c" = Contains likely DBDs, but has no functional evidence. "x" = Is an unlikely TF such as predicted gene, genes with likely non-specific DBDs or that have function outside transcription. "other" = Protein that lacks clear DBDs that was curated from external sources. CisBP considers it as a TF? - Is the protein available in the CisBP database (build 1.02)? TFCat Classification - Does the TFCat web site classify the protein as a TF? Is a GO TF - Does GO (Gene Ontology) classify the protein as a TF? Initial assessment - Initial assessment provided by curators. Curator 1 - Name of curator 1. Curator 2 - Name of curator 2. TFclass considers it as a TF? - Does TFclass consider the protein to be a TF? Go Evidence - Evidence from GO supporting this protein being a TF. Pfam Domains (By ENSP ID) - List of Pfam Domains contained in the protein. Format ('#'- delimited): Ensembl Protein ID, Ensembl Gene ID, Ensembl Transcript ID, Pfam domains.